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Isn't it frustrating when your kids throw tantrums during brushing time?
The problem lies in this harsh reality; dental hygiene isn't typically fun for children.

With My Friend Toothy™, we transform the tedious
task of brushing and flossing into a delightful experience.

Experience the Joy of Seamless Oral Hygiene Routine with Your Kids!

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Instilling good oral hygiene habits early on leads to lifelong dental health.

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Our products are designed to actively engage kids, turning the routine into an enjoyable experience.

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Bid goodbye to the daily struggle and see your kids willingly embrace their dental routine.

Creating a Joyful Dental Routine Can Be a Real Challenge!

So many parents and grandparents struggle with creating an engaging dental hygiene routine for their children. The rebellion, the tantrums, the constant creative convincing - it’s draining. But it's not just about making brushing fun; it's about fostering healthy habits from an early age that lasts a lifetime.

With My Friend Toothy™, we transform this difficult chore into a delightful and engaging activity. Through our kid-friendly products, we not only facilitate easier routines for guardians but also ensure that children form a positive association with their dental habits. This way, Toothy makes sure your little one has a blast while building healthy habits for life!

Dental Hygienists Approved!


"Amazing motivational tool helping children practice good oral health.”

- Stephanie Haider
Registered Dental Hygienist and Mom of five


"My Friend Toothy™
prioritizes making healthy habits fun!”​

"Dependable character helps make dental visits
for your children a breeze!"

-Sarah Ward
Registered Dental Hygienist and Mom of three

-Cassy Orr
Registered Dental Hygienist and Mom of three

Without a super cool and fun solution, the tough times
with brushing and flossing are going to stick around.

Visualize a scenario where your children eagerly look forward to their oral hygiene routine, developing lifelong healthy habits.

Turn your child's tooth brushing time into a super fun adventure in just three simple steps!

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Step 1

Click on the
'BUY NOW' button
to make your 


Step 2

Once the product arrives, let your child explore and interact with it.


Step 3

Observe how they willingly stick to their routine, forming a habit of their own.

You are Tooth-riffic!!!

Get your kids excited about brushing their teeth,
so that their next dental visit is a pleasant one!

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Subscribe to download our coloring sheets and these Tooth Fairy Letters and Certificates for FREE!

Available in English and French

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